February 7, 2012

Infrastructure market in Brazil

Have you ever think about investing in Latin America Region? How about Brazil? Considering the beginning of the year and the great time to re-balance your portfolio, selling some positions and acquiring gains and even selling some with losses but you don’t think it will recover properly in the near future, you might take a look and study emerging markets and have in mind some important information regarding Brazil. Infrastructure market there is in a great time as they are going to host World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016. Lots of soccer play stadium being built and remodeling, lots of residential buildings and hotels also, plus investments in security, roads, etc. All about infrastructure. So if you have funds composed by stocks or even stocks related to infrastructure market in Brazil it might be a good adding in your studies and analysis to see what it going to be in and out of your portfolio in 2012. Also there are international players that are participating in these Brazilian opportunities through partnerships and/or public auctions. A good example can be the international airports auctions which the winners were some South Africa, French and Argentinean company together with Brazilians ones for the international airport of Brasilia, Sao Paulo and Campinas. Another good example is the construction market which is so saturated that is accepting workers from Haiti to be trained and then work on thousands of constructions around the country. Good search !!

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