March 27, 2012

Follow-up on Ear Acupuncture treatment – second week completed!!

The results on this second week were not as good as the in the first one. I lost one kilo during last week, after including skinned milk, yogurt (one or other each day), tomatoes and whole wheat bread. On the other hand I did not feel as much hunger as I did in the first one. I guess my stomach is smaller, because I feel ok with much less amount of food.

Positive highlights: I still lost weight and I am satisfied with 03 kg lost in 15 days. I feel ok with less amount of food, which I hope will help me to keep my weight when adding some other foods again to my routine, especially deserts. I was able to make my whole weekly gym plan, which included 06 days in a week running 15 kilometers in my elliptical and 20 minutes of vibration platform.

Negative highlights: my constipation is still a problem. The Aloe Vera laxative natural pills that the nutritionist recommended did help but I needed to take much more than the one night pill to see effects. I still feel tired, even though not that much as during first week

Overall evaluation: treatment really works even though the drastically reduction of carbohydrates is very controversial. Important to follow the steps and recommended doses to include them again in your routine to avoid gaining weight again. That was pretty much similar to the South Beach diet or the Dr.Atkins method, with the help of ear acupuncture to reduce stress/anxiety and to shift your focus from food to other activities.

Hope that helps those who want to start a plan!!!!! (and do not forget to talk to your doctor first)

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