May 8, 2012

Learning with my pregnant dog........Second and Last Month of Pregnancy

Dear friends,
This article is for all of us who love our dogs and care for them. My dog is pregnant and it has been a day by day learning activity, so I decide to share with you all this experience. Suri is a beautiful and sweet West Highland White Terrier who is 32 days pregnant (probably). Those are our experience together that we want to share with you, so if your pet get pregnant we hope it is easier for you than it has been for us, living our first experience in this fascinating world of giving birth beautiful puppies:
  • Her mood has already changed and she is all the time trying to attach my other dogs especially my Rottweiler. The main reason for that is because she is trying to protect her belly and her puppies because the Rottweiler is always running, jumping and playing and she gets very nervous and afraid of him.
  • In this phase (first month) she can abort her babies so it is very important to monitor her and to keep her in a safe and non-stressful environment so she feels calm and secure.
  • Her disposition has also changed and now she doesn’t want to play with my other dogs anymore. She stay most of time laid down by my side and when we go out for walking she gets tired and normally I have to take her in arms part of the way.
  • Ultrasonography is not the right resource to learn how many puppies she has. I was anxious to see her first ultrasonography, but everything I had was the confirmation that she was around the 32th day of pregnancy of “probably” 05 puppies. Yes, probably, because images can be juxtaposed so there is no certainty. What I didn’t know was that the correct tool to show how many puppies would be the X-Ray because it would clearly show the skull of each puppy. The ultrasonography is perfect to let you know if the puppies are alive, to ear their heart beat and to see if their mobility is normal. Learn from my mistake and do not forget to ask your veterinarian about all those information together with the exam written report if your dog is pregnant. I missed this opportunity
  • Her temperature is very low (around 37.4oC while my veterinarian said the normal would be around 38.5oC), so she is under constantly vigilance, with clothes and I have to take her temperature 03 times a day.
  • If she drinks lots of water (above normal average) and/or have a yellow secretion coming out of her vulva, that would be risky signs and we should immediately report to her veterinarian. Thanks God it is not her case
  • Although some veterinarian say that dogs do not get seasick, she has became for selective with food and I need to change flavor constantly to keep her motivated to eat
In summary, everything is OK so far and her belly can already be noticed. Take a look how cute she is taking a nap!!!

Kindly Yours

Glam Bright Kennel Team

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