July 30, 2014

Cancer - Questions to make to your Oncologist / Doctor

Going to your first appointment with an oncologist may not be an easy task....After a cancer diagnosis we may be overwhelmed, desperate and some how lost as cancer probably is a completely new world for you......So I compiled a couple of questions you could make to your oncologist....I hope some of them are useful to you.....remember to take a notebook and a pen with you so you have all written and the answers doctor provides to you also.....It is incredible how difficult some drugs, treatments and terminologies can be to remember by heart....

  • What my treatment will consist of?
  • What is the main purpose of my treatment (eliminate cancer, control, reduce to undergo surgery afterwatds, etc)?
  • How can I prepare for my treatment?
  • Is there any medicine or actions that I should do or take before starting treatment to make me stronger to resist to it? Such as antibiotics for skin toxicity, exercises to strength muscles, etc etc…
  • What side effects do patients most often have with this treatment? how can I counterfeit / eliminate them?
  • Will some side effects get worse with each treatment cycle?
  • Do some side effects occur later in treatment than others?
  • Will all side effects disappear after treatment stops or is there any side effect that may last for ever?
  • What can I do to manage the physical side effects of treatment? is there psychological support in your team? 
  • What symptoms or problems should I report right away?
  • How can I contact you in case of symptoms to report, doubts, concerns and/or an emergency?
  • Will my treatment change my daily activities and my ability to meet my responsibilities while it is going on?
  • Can I go back to my normal daily activities after treatment?
  • How often will I need to be checked after my treatment?
  • What are your recommendations on vitamins, aspirin, and nutrition during and after treatment?
  • How will the decision be made if and when my current therapy needs to change?
  • How can I prepare my family for how treatment will affect their lives and mine?
  • Should I undergo any genomic mutation testing before deciding for any chemo protocol?
  • Should I be tested for DPD deficiency before starting chemo?
  • Is there any supportive group, acupuncturist and other professionals connected to your team or this facility that you want to recommend me?
  • What are the foods and habits that I should get started to?
  • What are the foods and habits that I should get away of and which ones should I just reduce?
  • In case of radiation do you have the state of art equipment, the one that will not damage the healthy tissues surrounding tumor cells? 
You can also take a look in the following websites for additional information
REMEMBER: There is no stupid question

Try to keep in a same notebook all your questions / answers, appointments, tips, drugs name and schedules, etc.....that will make your life easier to have everything organized in the same place

Wishing you all the best!!!! God continue blessing all of us

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