February 15, 2012

Are China and Japan buying Europe and United States?

They say NO. They say they have no intention and no means, but the fact is that in 2011, China investments in Europe increased by two times and are over US$ 6.0BB. Both China and Japan are buying giant companies in Europe and USA, taking advantage of the great liquidity Asian markets have, differently from the other two Regions that are struggling with a terrible economic crisis. There are groups of Asian investors coordinating trips to EUA and Europe to search and close good business. That’s maybe an opportunity for you too, as you can make your homework and study which companies are receiving Asian investments and how / if they would fit to your portfolio. Do not forget that it is important to make the whole study and carefully analyze financial results prior to make any decision. All of us know that China and Japan are willing to support Europe and USA and to continue having government debt of those two Region, even increasing the amount already owned, but so far no concrete action was defined on this direction while the purchase of companies is a reality rapidly increasing since last year. Good search!!!

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