If you do not have any bonus, funds and or stocks in your portfolio which provide you dividends, you may have there a great opportunity to review and find some investments that fit to your profile and also bring to you some periodic dividends. It is especially important when we have turbulent markets and your portfolio may have ups and downs more frequently than you would manage it to do. Dividends can be paid monthly, quarterly, yearly or any other frequency, but independent on the periodicity, they are for sure a supplemental income for their owners. Consider that if you choose a financial instrument which pays monthly dividends you will have a better chance to quicker identify ups and downs and react faster than if you have longer period. On the other hand, if you have quarterly or longer dividend payments period, you may be able to better manage your taxes practices (such as sell dividend stocks before they pay their dividends instead of after it). Information on high yielding stocks and/or financial instruments can be easily found in sites such as Yahoo Finance!!, Morningstar, among others. So good search and study!!!
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