March 29, 2012

Easter time!!!! Eating chocolate without feel guilty!!! It is beneficial for your health and prevents several diseases

I have never met somebody that doesn’t like chocolate. Everybody has its own preferable way to eat, to prepare, some like the dark, other the bitten or the milk chocolate, but the reality is that it is in almost everybody wish list when talking about favorite food. Unfortunately, it is also the first one taken out when somebody go in a diet. But we have good news for you, who like us, love chocolate and are feeling guilty even before the week of Easter!!! It is almost impossible not to think about it when all stores, supermarkets and malls show a wide variety of eggs, rabbits and other Easter decoration. Good news are that chocolate, in reality, when eaten with moderation is extremely beneficial to your health, because as many vegetables, the cocoa also has antioxidants substances, which are preserved during the chocolate preparation process. Its biological active ingredients can control neural excitement, intestine irritation, and even though can prevent coagulum to be formed, can support the control of blood pressure and also prevents against Diabetes type 2, following what scientists and researchers say. And believe or not, studies show that people who eat dark chocolate twice a week can weigh less than those who don’t do that…….Unbelievable!!! Our Easter is safe!!!! But important to understand that it need to be eaten with moderation and need to be chosen the GOOD chocolate, what means those with more than 60% of cocoa in its ingredients.

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